This is the story of a collection of people who follow Jesus. We live in Littleton. We encounter people in the name of Jesus, we allow Jesus to turn us into disciples, we gather often, and we equip people to love and serve other people better.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
In and out of the DMV in less than 15 minutes. Its a miracle. I just bought 185 dollars of highway.
Best Happy Heathens Map Ever | Happy Heathens | LibraryThing

Wow - so the Obama press conference yesterday set off a 50 comment thread on my facebook, can't wait to see where this goes. Remember people: lets keep a sense of humor about us. Lets look for assumptions being made: Heaven is boring?? And finally, remember we are talking to a board spectrum of people - how would you draw the "Heaven Map?"
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
B's best friend moved away today - so sad

Mark Kraakevik
The EDGE Colorado - Live The Message
To live is Christ, to die is gain.
Is Converge Worldwide a movement or a denomination?
A year ago this week, we had the national meeting of the Baptist General Conference. At those meetings, the nickname of the voluntary Christian association to which the EDGE Colorado belongs became Converge Worldwide.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Note to self: staff mtg the day after summer kids program- not at 7am
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Vbs is over. Now its off to Transformers at West Bowles theatre.
Creating "Come As You Are Community" is really hard work - People long for friendship, but run from transparency" height="73" align="right"> | ||||||" height="126" align="right"> |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Five Videos of Massacre at Baharestan Square (Warning: Graphic)
This is intense. Please Pray. Thanks @Zachshouse
ConvergeUSA Blog: Who is ConvergeUSA?
In light of the SBC annual mtg happening now, what is the difference between a movement and a denomination?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Colorado Rockies are 17-1 in their last 18 games and still 9 games behind the Dodgers
List of Birthday, Anniversaries and Deaths of people I know
Jonelle Stevens (heidi's family)
Travis Allen (youth group)
Erin Foster (youth pastor)
James Mills (emergent denver cohort)
Tony Ruppert (facebook friend)
Jennifer Calabrese (youth group)
Phillip Sorenson (youth group)
Anniversaries on this day
Vicki and Floyd Jefson (family)
Kim and Matt Jefson (family)
Deaths on this day
JoAnn Moberg 1999 (heidi's family)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Monday, June 22, 2009
New thing called that will post to my blog, twitter, facebook, etc all at once - This txt should light up my online presence