This is the story of a collection of people who follow Jesus. We live in Littleton. We encounter people in the name of Jesus, we allow Jesus to turn us into disciples, we gather often, and we equip people to love and serve other people better.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bottom of rhe ninth, down one run. Hawpe up to bat

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Rockies - hour wait at gate!!! Just got here

------Original Message------
To: post posterous
Subject: Rockies - hour wait at gate!!! Just got here
Sent: Oct 11, 2009 8:59 PM

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Go rockies

------Original Message------
To: post posterous
Subject: Go rockies
Sent: Oct 11, 2009 9:00 PM

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Thursday, October 08, 2009

St. Augustine was alive during the fall of Rome. This is what he said about it.

Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. - St. Augustine

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Making a list, checking it twice, who wants to go to banquets for JeffCO Younglife or Open Door Ministries - call me :)


Mark Kraakevik
The EDGE Colorado - live the message

We all have demons, don't face your alone***
"Faith is our relationship to and with God. And it is given life and meaning in our relationship to and with each other."

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Monday, October 05, 2009

For those who may be look for Kraakevik Family Roots (now filed in the archives of the internet)

For the record, My connection to this is as follows

Ola Kraakevik => Elias Hovlund (Kraakevik) => Louis Kraakevik => Keith Kraakevik => Me

Ola Kraakevik => Elias Hovlund (Kraakevik) => Henry Kraakevik => John Kraakevik

Olav Kraakevik => (someone) => Terje Aareskjold

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Kraakevk 
Date: October 5, 2009 4:21:50 PM MDT
To: Tim Kraakevik, Cindy Kraakevik, Steve Kraakevik, Joel Kraakevik,  Lauren Kraakevik, Jenny Kraakevik, Dan Kraakevik, Mark Kraakevik
Subject: Roots-Albeit some almost rotting

I thought this was kind of interesting for us all.

I may be. Olav Kraakevik was my great grandfather. I understand there are a number of Olav Kraakeviks. What part of Norway are you from? I have found one group of Kraakeviks already which I don't think are related. Olav was married to Anna but they emigrated to the US around 1900 with sons Archibald, Henry, and Louis. Any connections with other relatives?

  Terje Aareskjold    September 30 at 9:04am   Report
hi again. My cousins live in Tønsberg and their names are Anette and Øyvind Kraakevik. I have an understanding from my mother that she recalls a woman called Gladys. Me and my family grew up in Stavanger/Rogaland. But my Grandfather Olav originally comes from a place called Hardanger/Lofthus, thats his birthplace. My Mother Grete Karin Kraakevik has told me that we have relatives in Chicago on her fathers side, Olav. The Gladys i told you about has visitet Norway on several occations.

  Terje Aareskjold    September 30 at 9:11am   Report
Sorry, Gladys was on my grandmothers side. No relalations to the Kraakevik family. But my Grandfather and a woman called Helene visitet the family in Chicago one of the latest years before he died in 1999. Is this something u know of ? 

  John Kraakevik    October 4 at 10:04pm

I think we might really have sometime here with your grandfather Olav. I just got this email about out roots from my sister-in-law who has our family records. Henry, Louis' older brother, was my grandfather and their father (my great-grandfather) was Olav from Hardanger. I've attached her email. Any connections you can make with Hardanger

The Kragevik "gaard" (farm) was on the western side of Hardanger fjord near
the town of Odda. Louis Kraakevik's parents were Elias Hovland and Gyri
Krakevik. Tollef (eldest son of Ola and Anna Krakevik) sold the farm to his
sister Gyri and her husband Elias. Hovland changed his name to Krakevik
after purchasing the farm.

See what you can find out. I am certain that we are the only Kraakeviks in Chicago. Ola visited my aunt (Doris) and I am sure I met him at a family gathering here.


  Terje Aareskjold    October 5 at 1:12pm   Report
hei again, yes it is correct that their name was Hovland before they bought the farm "kraakeik" and took the name of the farm. Near Odda in hardanger is also correct so we are definitly related then. Ill get the family info tomorrow and post another reply to this post, maby we can see where in the family we are and how far away in the family. Regardless its finally come to an end of the search fore our family/relatives over the sea(US) :)

This is a good day for me and our family. Ive wanted to contact "our distant relatives" for a long time and now its happening :)

Ill make speed and hurry with the family info.

Can't hardly wait :)

Best wishes


Mark Kraakevik
The EDGE Colorado - Live The Message

To live is Christ, to die is gain.


Posted via email from Mark's posterous

Thursday, October 01, 2009

I like this idea!!
But then, I am not a banker.


Posted via email from Mark's posterous