This is the story of a collection of people who follow Jesus. We live in Littleton. We encounter people in the name of Jesus, we allow Jesus to turn us into disciples, we gather often, and we equip people to love and serve other people better.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Sermon for tomorrow - overcome by sorrow

Sermon tomorrow Jesus goes to the garden to pray

Takes three guys further into the garden to pray with him

Then leaves them to go even deeper into the garden

Overcome - if it is possible take this cup from me, not my will Disciples sleeping

Second prayer - if it is possible take this cup from me, your will be done Disciples sleeping

Third prayer - same words Wake up, it is time Suddenly the hillside had people coming from everywhere

Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss That is not what a kiss is for Jesus knows what it is like to have a friend turn on him

a sword chops off an ear Jesus reveals that he has 12 legions of angels at his disposal

What is keeping him from calling them? He has said it already - not my will, but your will be done - Jesus is going to do this all exactly as God the father wants him to do it.

Off to the trial false witnesses cannot get there story straight. finally one says, "he said he would tear down the temple and rebuild it in three days" The priest asks him, "Are you the messiah, the son of God?" Jesus answer, "it is as you say, and soon you will see the son sitting at the right hand of the father and coming on the clouds of heaven

Blasphemy You have heard it yourself. What does he deserve? Death

Peter denies he knows Jesus three times servant girl - you were with him - nope servant girl - you were with him - with an oath - nope crowd - your accent gives you away, you were with him - calls down curses, I don't know him rooster crows three times he went outside and he wept bitterly

Why is peter crying? All he wanted to do was to be loyal to Jesus. All he wanted was to live and die for Jesus. All he wanted was to prove to Jesus that he was indeed a true friend.

Why was peter unable to do it? it happens very fast. the time of testing comes, and the moment is there for just a second. Will you stay true to Jesus or will you run. Every disciple ran. Every single one.

Did Jesus do a bad job of training his disciples? No

1) a possible answer - no holy spirit to give them the power to do the miraculous.

2) it is prophecy - this is the way it has to be

3) We can see ourselves in the story - some days we are the ones betrayed, struck and abandoned - as we enter this side of the story we understand that there is nothing we face that Jesus did not also face. Some days we are the betrayers who leave our friends alone, and walk away - When we find ourselves in need of forgiveness, we can pause for a moment and feel the weight of our betrayal, and like Peter we weep. And that is as far as we are able to go in this passage, we weep.

But there is one more lesson

4) But there is another lesson we see here. 12 legions of angels sat on the edge of our planet, ready and willing to step in. The words would no sooner have been out of Jesus mouth than the planet would have been leveled. Completely cleansed, judgment dispensed, but that is not the way it went down. Why? Because God loves us. Really loves us. He loves us enough to tell his son to submit to a mickey mouse trial in the middle of the night. His only crime, "that he said he was God," which of course he was, and therefore it was not a crime. Why are we unaffected by this message. How can we possibly sit in a room and listen to this story without jumping to our feet and crying out, "Stop." Don't do it Peter. Do not betray, Jesus. Die with him. Do not let Jesus die alone. Do not let his trial come and go without a single person coming to his defense.

Jesus is the most beautiful, most incredible person to ever walk this planet. All he did was love people. All he ever did was to offer grace and mercy to sinners. He stood boldly before the "religious leaders" and called them out for their hypocrisy. He explained over and over that God wanted true worshippers, and as people realized they were not worshipping the true God, their anger flared, and plans were made to kill Jesus.

We also find ourselves having to make a choice.  Will we run away?  Will we fight against Jesus?  Will we accept him as savior?

Posted via email from Mark Kraakevik

Monday, February 25, 2013

A God honoring prayer, from Ken's daughter, on the day of his retirement.

Ken Lewis retired yeasterday.  Here is Emily Lewis Peterson's prayer at her father's last service.  It is just beautiful.  

Our Father, who art in heaven, we are here today to thank you for the last 38 and a half years of faithfulness.

Faithfulness to a man and wife, faithfulness to a family, faithfulness to four congregations and faithfulness to countless individual lives.

You have made your holiness known through the consistently faithful lives of my parents.

You have made your mercy felt through their forgiveness when I sinned.

You have made your forgiveness palpable in their words of encouragement and in their embraces.

You have made your grace manifest in their kindness and generosity.

You have made your love visible in their actions toward the hurting, down- trodden, lost and sad.

Father you have made your character known through the lives of my mom and dad, We know that only Jesus displayed your character right from birth. You took two people dead in sin, brought them into life and then molded them into new creatures who reflect your beautiful image. It’s ALL you.

For this, today, we say, thank you. We praise you for your faithfulness to us through my mom and my dad. Amen

Posted via email from Mark Kraakevik

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Possible sermon topics for 2013

This morning I have been considering what to preach about in the coming days.  

Topics for sermons

How to have a healthy marriage
-- invest time
-- do your homework
-- protect itimacy

How do deal with pornography
-- don't face this alone
-- make a plan
-- count the cost

How to be in the world and not of the world
-- follow the example of jesus
-- be with sinners
-- call them to holiness

The book of Romans
The book of Matthew

What is the deal with Sex, Money, and Power
How to keep things simple
How to wage peace at home, at work, and in the world
How to find joy in God, when you don't want to?
How do I grow in my Christian faith?
How do I lead someone to Jesus?
How do I get involved at the EDGE?
How will my life change if I accept Jesus?
Why does God send people to hell?
Why does bad stuff happen to good people?
Why does the world seem so random? full of chaos?
Why is it that we are not happy in the greatest country in the world?
Why is missions a big deal?
Why does God ask us to go?
Why doesn't God just save everyone?
What is truth?
What must I do to be saved?
What does worship look like?
What happens when I die?
What is heaven?
What is the meaning of life?
What promises has God made to us?
What principles do I need to succeed in life?
What makes a parent good?
What makes a day good?
What makes a year good?
What difference can I make?
What will the world look like, if I do my part?
What is the purpose of my life?
What does the Bible say about exercise?
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
What does the Bible say about sex before/outside of marriage?
What does the Bible say about the poor/the immigrant?
What does the Bible say about power?
What does the Bible say about food?
What does God requireof me?
What is the Kingdom of God?
What is our role in the Kingdom of God?
Where is God?
Who is Jesus?
Who is my brother?
Who gets to go to heaven?
Who lives in Littleton?
Who should I bring to church with me?
Who should I invite to small group?
Who gets the money I give to church?
Who is invited to enter the Kingdom?
Who does God say that I am?
Who is the greatest in the Kindgom of Heaven?
Who are your heroes?
Who are your enemies?
Who is to fight for justice?
Who is to care for the poor?
Who is a Christian, really?

These are the questions that I want to answer for those who are at the EDGE.  
I want to make sure people understand what we are trying to do, 
and I want others to join me in answering these questions in our context and community.


Posted via email from Mark Kraakevik