Many of you know that I wrote a book this last year (some of you are now saying, "Oh, that's where she has been... :)), and have asked to read it. I am currently shopping it out to get published, but I found a site put out by Harper-Collins that allows me to securely download a portion of it.
The uber cool thing is that when my book gets placed on others' virtual bookshelves and receives comments, its ranking gets higher. Once it reaches the #1-5 slot and stays there until the end of the month, Harper-Collins will take a look at it.
So...I need your help.
Would you be willing to register at the site, shelve my book and comment on it? If you want to read it while you are there, that is awesome too. The following is a short blurb:
"Set in a small Montana ranching community outside of Yellowstone National Park, The Pearl Edda brings Norse mythology to modern day and weaves together the lives of seventeen-year-old Montana ranch girl Mia Holden and the young, yet ageless, Norse god Ve on the eve of the Norse world’s destruction."
I realize that most of you are not 12-18 year old girls (which the novel is geared toward), but several adults have read it and have loved it (and you can still comment on it regardless :)) Also, you should not get spammed by the site unless you upload your own book.
I will keep a posting on FB of how the ranking is going. If you know of others who would enjoy the book (or if you know a publisher... :)), please let them know about this too.
Thanks in advance!
The How To:
The site is
Book name: The Pearl Edda
Author name: H.J. Johns
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